18 New Semester starts
28/29 Thanksgiving - We will be CLOSED Thursday and Friday
7 Competition Team begins
14 “Christmas Shopping” Parents Night Out -- *CLOSED* Drop the kids off for some super fun.
Pizza and drinks provided. 5:30-9:00pm. Sign up online HERE.
23 Dojo Closed for two-week Winter Break
6 Dojo re-opens for regular classes
18 Weapons Sparring Seminar. Let's have a blast learning the tactics and strategies
useful for sparring with our professional battle swords. Battlefield gameplay
included. 3:30-4:30pm. Sign up online or at the front desk. Sign up online HERE.
31 Dojo Cleaning – Friday night, 7:10 for 30 minutes.
8 State-level Tournament. All are welcome to participate! This is a local tournament
including many different dojos. Please see our parent site for full details or click HERE.
19/20 Belt Promotion in class
Note: (Activities in bold are extra-curriculars for blue stripes)
Note: Hourly requirement this semester = 22. We offer 25 regular classes this Semester
plus free make-up classes on Friday evenings. Please see the schedule.